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All the of profiles we got are blurry but you get the picture. |
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
The Verdict Is In
I've been watching a lot of Law and Order so I feel it works. :) Anyways, we had our appointment this morning and everything went so well. From everything they saw, the baby is developing great and is healthy. They're going to keep my due date at July 16th based on the measurements. I guess the big question is what are we having????? Drumroll please....... We're having a girl. That's right. We're turning in our blue for pink and we couldn't be happier. We would have been just as excited for a boy but now we have one of each and I can buy all the cute little girly things I want.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
18 Weeks
So I said I wanted to do the updates with this pregnancy as I did for James but I'm failing miserably. I keep forgetting to have Dan take my picture (which I'm not 100% I want anyways because I feel huge) and our mirror is not a mirror I can do flattering selfies with. Nonetheless, I did get an update picture of the growing bump.
I'll be 19 weeks on Wednesday and we find out what our little Fry is that same day. I'm so glad our appointment is first thing in the morning because I'm already going crazy having to wait until Wednesday.
As for details with this pregnancy, it's been much different, not totally different, but much different than what James's pregnancy was. With James I craved mexican food all the time and I wanted to eat every hour. With this baby, I get massive heartburn with mexican food (but that doesn't stop me from eating the best food ever) and I'm eating normal habits as if I wasn't pregnant. I have been craving sweets so much that I swear I've gained at least 10 lbs in the last week or 2. So I'm not eating more but I'm eating sweets and that doesn't help. I've also been having major ligament pains and I've already started having Braxton Hicks. I didn't even know you could have them this early. I got some with James way later in the pregnancy but these suck. Majorly suck! It's a good thing they happen mostly at night so Dan can entertain James while I lay down. Hopefully, it's no indication of how this one's labor will be. Well let's get to the list, shall we.
How far along? 18 Weeks, 4 Days
Total weight gain/loss: I've lost 2 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yup since about week 11.
Stretch marks? Not yet.
Sleep: About as normal as it gets around here.
Best moment this week: Being able to feel the baby move more and having Dan being able to feel the baby for the first time.
Miss Anything? Not feeling fat.
Movement: Little ones here and there.
Food cravings: Chocolate and Dr. Pepper
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of Hot Pockets. Something about the smell of Hot Pockets and pregnancy just don't go together for me.
Labor Signs: Braxton's
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody (most of the time): Happy.
Weekly Wisdom: Finding little exercises to do everyday.
Looking forward to: Our ultrasound on Wednesday.
A quick update on James. He's fully moved into the terrible 2 stage. Oh help me! Just the littlest things will set him off and he'll just scream. We've been putting him in his room and closing the door when he does this. He'll stop screaming but I'm not sure he really gets it. If anyone has ANY advice on how to help him not throw a tantrum, please let me know. Besides that, he's signing up a storm now. He can now sign car, more, please, thank you, bath, socks and ball along with all the others he already knows. He's getting much better at his words. He can say some of the words as he signs them. He's just so smart. He got his first haircut yesterday and he did so well. I had a harder time with it than he did. It's a lot shorter than we wanted it but he just needed a haircut so bad. I miss his long hair because the short makes him look older and I'm not ok with that. Oh well, it's hair. It'll grow bad. Here is the before and after if you already haven't seen it on Instagram or Facebook.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
And the "Worst Blogger Award" goes to....
I am really slacking here. It's been almost a year since the last post and what a year it has been. Dan graduated, James turned 1 year old, we moved (finally), and we have a new little one joining us. Now I could make this the longest post ever and talk about everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, that has happened this past year but to save some time and my fingers I'll keep it short but to the point. Of course there will probably be many pictures but those are enjoyable. :)

Dan graduated from college. It was a long and tiresome process but it happened.
James turned a year old. I can't believe how big he has gotten. We just love him even more with each day. A quick update with him. He says mom, dad, cracker, go, and something that sounds like "bow" but he says it for everything. So we're not sure what he means. He also can sign food, cracker, shoes, all done, and milk. He's just a little smarty pants. He's quite the dancer and loves to play hide and seek with dad.
We moved!!! After months and months of praying, fasting, waiting, applying over and over again, Dan found a job. So we packed up our little apartment and moved to Utah. Not really our first pick but we've actually enjoyed it a lot more than we expected. I don't have any pictures of our new place.
That'd right we have another little Fry in the fryer. This one was completely unplanned but it was an exciting surprise. As of today I am 14 weeks and we find out what our little Fry is the beginning of February. I'm going to try and do updates like I did with James. I think it's only far to try for all our kids. I will say this pregnancy has had some major differences. I was extremely nauseous for the first 2 months and I crave hard core. It's always at night but I get the strongest cravings that make my stomach hurt sometimes. These cravings have consisted of carmel apple empanadas from Taco Bell, Jimmy John's, McDonald's chicken sandwiches, and brownies. Not the most healthy of things I will say.
Here are some other pictures from the last year-ish to sum up this much needed update.

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