Dan graduated from college. It was a long and tiresome process but it happened.
James turned a year old. I can't believe how big he has gotten. We just love him even more with each day. A quick update with him. He says mom, dad, cracker, go, and something that sounds like "bow" but he says it for everything. So we're not sure what he means. He also can sign food, cracker, shoes, all done, and milk. He's just a little smarty pants. He's quite the dancer and loves to play hide and seek with dad.
We moved!!! After months and months of praying, fasting, waiting, applying over and over again, Dan found a job. So we packed up our little apartment and moved to Utah. Not really our first pick but we've actually enjoyed it a lot more than we expected. I don't have any pictures of our new place.
That'd right we have another little Fry in the fryer. This one was completely unplanned but it was an exciting surprise. As of today I am 14 weeks and we find out what our little Fry is the beginning of February. I'm going to try and do updates like I did with James. I think it's only far to try for all our kids. I will say this pregnancy has had some major differences. I was extremely nauseous for the first 2 months and I crave hard core. It's always at night but I get the strongest cravings that make my stomach hurt sometimes. These cravings have consisted of carmel apple empanadas from Taco Bell, Jimmy John's, McDonald's chicken sandwiches, and brownies. Not the most healthy of things I will say.
Here are some other pictures from the last year-ish to sum up this much needed update.