It started about a week and a half before my due date. I went to the doctor and I was only a centimeter dilated. I went back the next week (3 days before my due date) and I was still only a centimeter dilated but this time I was 80-90% effaced. My doctor didn't want me going to 41 weeks. He said it was bad mojo. Well we decided to wait and see if he would come on his own that weekend. If not then, we'd go back in on Monday and discuss our options. Of course, he didn't come on his own. We went back to the doctor (still only a centimeter dilated) and Dan and I decided to be induced the next day.
Dan got up early Tuesday to call the hospital and see when we could go in. We ended up going in at about 6:30am. We got the paperwork taken care of and in our room at 7am. My doctor came in at 8am to check my cervix and break my water (I was 1.5 cm by this time. Stubborn cervix!). At about 9am I started to feel some small contractions. At this point, the nurse came in and put me on Pitocin. BTW: we had the best labor and delivery nurse. We couldn't have asked for a better nurse. Also around this time I sent Dan home so he could get some snacks and his Dr. Pepper. Between 9 and 9:30, my contractions got so much worse. During the last month of pregnancy I thought I had some small contractions but those were no where near what I had during this hour. Dan got back at 9:30 and helped me through some more contractions for about another hour. My nurse asked if I wanted her to call my doctor to ok the epidural at this point. My doctor loves me. I was only at a 3 by then but he allowed the epidural. I always had it in my mind the epidural would be painful but it wasn't that bad. The doctor talked me through the whole thing so I knew what was going on. I felt so funny after the epidural. It felt like a dead arm but all over the lower half of my body. I knew it started working when I tried to lift my leg and just laughed because I couldn't.
At about noon, my family came to visit while I relaxed. I went from a 3, to a 6 and then a 7 by 1-1:30pm. At about 2pm, I stared feeling some pushing pressure. I had Dan get the nurse to check what was going on. She said I was fully dilated and ready to push. So they got ready and I started pushing. I pushed for about 15 minutes and then was ready for the doctor. He got there 3 minutes later, pushed for another 15 minutes and James was here.
We had our beautiful little boy finally with us. 7lbs 2 oz 19 inches long. He came out crying and turned pick almost immediately. They wiped him off and handed him to me. It was so surreal having this little human, who was just inside of me, in my arms. It for sure hasn't been easy adjusting to baby life but we feel so blessed to have him here and can't wait for the adventures ahead.
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1st family picture |
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Touchdown pose |
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Blessing day |
Congrats!!! He is adorable!!!!